What Investors Fear Most
This stunning chart captures what investors fear most – missed opportunities.
The average investor underperforms for many reasons. Whether they are the buy-and-hold strategy investors that tend to make the classic mistake of selling at the bear market bottom or the always-hedged strategy investors that tend to never fully participate in bull markets or investors with no strategy at all, it comes down to bad decision-making. So what do you do?
TJT Capital Group focuses on its proprietary InVEST Risk Model ® to guide our decisions. The InVEST Risk Model® monitors 5 key indicators that really matter and blocks out the noise – opinions, predictions and biases.
TJT has researched and documented 5 key indicators that signal the true direction and health of the market. InVEST is an acronym for: Interest rates ♦ Valuation ♦ Economic cycle ♦ Sentiment ♦ Technical factors
TJT knows that to win in investing you must be invested when conditions are right, and look to protect money when those conditions turn negative.
Whether you are investing for retirement, growing your net worth or living off your retirement savings, the InVEST Risk Model® can help you reach your goals.